IBC Australia promotes international relations by organizing seminars and conferences globally. It develops close contacts with the Governments and Non-Profit Organisations including Associations, Red Cross, World Vision, UNISEF, etc.

IBC Australia organizes joint events with various Organisations, Associations, Business Councils, Chambers of Commerce, Government Departments, etc., for promoting the business and trade activities and hosting the Australian and various countries’ Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Consul Generals, Trade Officers, Government Officials and others Dignitaries.

IBC Australia identifies, promotes and recognizes the interest of International Communities living in Australia and vice versa and recognizing the contributions and services of the persons for promoting trade, business and cultural ties.

IBC Australia develops wider Australian and International links, which leads to information sharing on business development, trade and investment by:

  • Promoting successful trade policies between nations.
  • Encouraging travel related to business, tourism, and immigration, providing people with opportunities to enhance their lives.
  • Allowing various nations to cooperate with one another, pool resources, and share information as a way to face global issues that go beyond any particular country or region and address the contemporary global issues including pandemics, terrorism, and the environment.
  • Advancing human culture through cultural exchanges, diplomacy and policy development.

IBC Australia organizes trade delegations from Australia to various countries and receive trade delegations from various countries.

IBC Australia encourage its members to participate in Government Meetings, Missions and Delegations to advice on international policy matters.

It also cooperates with the Embassies; High Commissions, Consulate General Offices, etc., of various countries in Australia and vice versa.