
Any natural person who is over 16 years is eligible to become a member of the Association who has an interest to promote and advance the aims and objectives of the Association.

Only individual members or persons eligible to become a member are eligible to become a life member of the Association. Life members shall be eligible for election as an officer of the Association and shall have the right to vote at the general meetings.

The Executive Committee may appoint any person as an Honorary Member or Patron who have rendered special or outstanding service to the Association or elsewhere. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote at any general meeting or Committee meeting unless they hold office as a member of the Committee.

The Executive Committee may admit any organisations/business/enterprise/association/NGO/government department/agency, etc. as a corporate member, Association/NGO member or the Government Agency/Department member of the Association.

The Executive Committee shall consider each application at an Executive Committee Meeting and may accept or reject that application without assigning any reasons.

The annual membership shall be valid for one year from the date of the payment of fees.

The annual subscription shall be payable within 31 days of the expiry of membership and shall be such sum as may from time to time be determined by the members at an Annual General Meeting.

Membership Form

Please download the Membership Form and email the dully filled in Form to and transfer funds to the Bank Account as per the details provided in the Membership Form. (Please √ one of your membership category).

Membership Fee

Australia & Developed Countries Developing Countries Other Countries
Member, Individual A$100 A$60 A$40
Life Member, Individual (one off) A$500 A$300 A$200
Corporate Member A$500 A$300 A$200
Government Member A$500 A$300 A$200
Association/NGO Member A$250 A$150 A$100

Note: Foreign Members, please pay your annual or life membership fee in your local currency equivalent of Australian Dollars.

Membership Benefits

Members Benefits Member Life Member Corporate
Participation in Networking Events
Invitation for Trade & Business
Discount on Entry Fee for Events
Voting Right
Nomination for Executive Committee
Membership Certificate
Logo on Banners
Logo Display in Events
Logo on IBC Website
Profile on IBC Website
Support in Organising Events
Organising Joint Events
Nomination for Annual Business Award