IBC Australia opens its First Chapter in New Delhi, India

IBC Australia has signed a Chapter Agreement to open its first Chapter in New Delhi, India.

The Indian Chapter will operate as per the Rules & Regulations (Constitution) of the International Business Council of Australia.

The following Executive Committee was unanimously elected for a term of 2 years to operate the Indian Chapter.

  1. Mr Anoop Bhatnagar, President
  2. Mr Pankaj Dhingra, Vice-President
  3. Mr Sudhir Agarwal, Vice-President
  4. Mr Pradip Rajeshirke, Secretary
  5. Mr Ashok Sharma, Assistant Secretary
  6. Mr Avanindra Yadav, Treasure
  7. Mr K V Singh, Member
  8. Mr Ravi Kapoor, Member
  9. Mr Ashish Mithani, Member
  10. Mr Raja Ayer, Member
  11. Mr Abhilakh Singh, Member

Representative of Australian High Commission/Austrade, New Delhi will be invited to become an Ex-Officio Member of the Executive Committee.

IBC Australia looks forward to opening more Chapters to enhance and develop bilateral business relationships between Australia and other countries globally.